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Memory unit

Neurologists Ieva Paegle and psychologist Jelena Harlamova, work in the memory unit. Patients’ memory problems are determined by various tests. A psychologist is involved in the process, who evaluates the memory function with psychological tests, assessing the patient’s attention, memory, language, spatial perception and skills. In addition to basic neurological examination, patients undergo electroencephalography, magnetic resonance imaging, cerebrovascular examinations, and various laboratory tests. If an in-depth examination of the patient is required, it is performed in a neurology day hospital. The main goal of the memory cabinet is to detect initial memory disorders in a timely manner, especially in patients under the age of 60, in order to prevent irreversible impairment of memory, cognition, various skills and abilities.

Neurologist Ieva Paegle  

Memory unit activities:

  • Examination and evaluation of patient memory function;
  • Diagnosis of diseases that could cause memory impairment;
  • Risk assessment of Alzheimer’s disease or other neurodegenerative diseases;
  • Development of a treatment plan for patients with early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease;
  • Annual monitoring of patients with memory impairment;
  • Inventory of risk factors of patients with memory disorders and creation of a database.