Appointment phone: +371 67000610

In the In-patient Department “Gaiļezers”, consultations are provided by a certified otolaryngologists.

1. Jeļena Žerina

The following treatment and examinations can be performed:

  • Conservative treatment of tonsils (rinsing, cauterization, freezing);
  • Treatment of pharyngitis (cauterization of hypertrophic tissues);
  • Treatment of maxillary sinusitis and inflammations of other cavities by means of a pump (alternative to a paracentesis);
  • Instillations (infusions) into the larynx in case of acute viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract and larynx inflammations (hoarse voice);
  • Removal of foreign bodies from the pharynx, nose or ears;
  • Stopping of nose bleeding by means of an electrocoagulator, including tamponade;
  • Opening of the peritonsillar abscess;
  • Rinsing of cerumen impactions;
  • Hearing examinations – tympanometry, tympanometry;
  • Sonography of lateral nasal cavities (without radiation);
  • Bacteriological examinations of the throat and nose (inoculations).

2. Dace Snipe

During out-patient admission, the following manipulations can be performed:

  • Endoscopic examination of nasal cavities, pharynx cavity, vocal cords;
  • Sonography of lateral nasal cavities;
  • Paracentesis of the maxillary sinus;
  • Biopsy collection;
  • Removal of benign formations from the oral cavity.

In the In-patient Department “Latvian Oncology Centre”, consultations are provided by otolaryngologists Juris Tārs, Inta Trauciņa and Juris Lībietis.

These specialists specialize in the diagnostics and treatment of oncological diseases. Perform biopsies, removal of small formations from the organs of the oral cavity for out-patients.

In the In-patient Department “Biķernieki”, out-patient consultations are provided by a certified otolaryngologist Regīna Aksika.

Performs the examination of ear-drums by means of a microscope, paracenteses of the maxillary sinus; uses the cryotherapy method in the process of treatment, if necessary, for patients during the consultation.

In order to register for an out-patient consultation by the specialist:

call on (+371) 67000610